Know your Numbers

Energy Modeling your Design



Understand how your design is going to preform before its built. This is critical for you to make smart decisions early on. The cheapest place to make upgrades and improvements to a building is at the design stage. You want to know what upgrades and improvements are worth spending your money on.

Sharon is trained in Energy modelling and uses the minimum standard as a base line to show clients how much upgrades like insulation and better windows makes on the homes predicted performance.


Sharon is trained in Energy modelling and uses the minimum standard as a base line to show clients how much upgrades like insulation and better windows makes on the homes predicted performance.


Our New Zealand Building Code assumes performance, but even our newest homes built to the minimum standard leave a lot to be desired.

There are many designs out there claiming to be high performance. Know what this actually means with facts and figures.


The Modeling software we use is ASHRAE 140 accredited. The report from this energy modelling can be used with your Building Consent Application, so it can work really well for you.

 Book a chat with Sharon to discuss Energy modelling your design, so you can make smart decisions to creating a better performing home with certainty of where you are spending your money.