Podcast Interviews

Green Style Green

In this podcast I was talking to Matthew Cutler Welsh, founder of Green Style Green Podcast and a man of many things including Business Development Manager at the NZGBC and Glenn Harley, Builder and Certified Passive House Tradesperson.

Matthew wanted Glenn and I to come on to discuss the proposed changes to the Building Consent Process here in New Zealand, discuss the implications of Insurance and costs that would ultimately be passed onto the end user. We discussed other things too including our reliance on Gas and Oil.

Tune in using the link and check out his other podcasts. He interviews some amazing people who are passionate about making New Zealand a healthier, more sustainable place for us and the future generations. It was a fun conversation.


Proclima Podcast

I sat down with Simon Cator of Proclima to discuss building better and energy modeling. Proclima are industry leaders in educating, promoting and supporting building better in airtightness and weathertightness. As with all things better, its not a looking at one part of the issue, but the whole. Energy Modeling is a key way to quantify the whole and understand what parts of a building need addressing and the impact that those changes have on the whole home.

Simon interviews people throughout the industry to promote understanding where we are going wrong, where to look for solutions and how those choices impact on the whole system and building.

Check out the other Proclima Podcasts here
