Paying off your mortgage faster with Homestar 6
I recently had some push back on a social media post about lower interest rates and how Homestar can help you pay off your mortgage faster. I realise that an Architectural Designer talking about interest rates and mortgages may seem mismatched, so here is the back story.
The New Zealand Building Code and its perceived performance assumptions
Pathway to building better with Architectural Design
Building Better - what does this mean?
I enjoy conversations generated from parties outside my everyday operational sphere and a recent conversation with Malcolm McCracken, a senior analyst in Infrastructure with a background in Planning, is the inspiration for this blog. Malcolm, like me, has a passion for making our built environments better suited for both people and planet.
The reality and reason of Code Compliance
Our New Zealand Building Code sets the minimum, so its fair to say it prescribes the worst-preforming building you can legally build.
Medium Density, Passive House and Homestar
Recently I attended the BRANZ seminar for Medium Density Housing. It was such a valuable session with many experts bringing their experience, ideas, and knowledge to help me navigate the Medium Density design space better.
Low Carbon Buildings
The conversations in our New Zealand building industry are touching on the many changes and challenges that we are facing namely around operating and embodied carbon.