Architectural Process

  • Design Consultation

    This is a 1-hour consultation with Sharon to find that sweet spot between budget, aspirations, requirements, and constraints. Some investigation is done before our meeting so we can have a productive and informed discussion. Once we find that sweet spot, we can then map out the steps in your process and list the consultants required. After our consultation you get a report breaking down our discussion and decisions and includes very high-level preliminary figures for your budget.

  • Measure Up

    If you have an existing house that we are altering or adding to, accurate and up to date information is required to formulate existing plans and gather sufficient information about the existing structure to inform the proposed design in a feasible, accurate and smart way. Renovating or altering is more expensive process relative to a new build, so we want to use what’s there as much as possible.

  • Concept Design

    This is the Architectural response to that sweet spot. Sometimes its good to show what a design could grow into at a later stage if future planning is something you are considering. This is where we establish the aesthetic, feel and spatial relationships of your new home. Everyday use, and the form of the building are carefully considered along with a basic structural idea. This stage is here to get what you want to do established so we can then work on the detail on how its going to happen and how it needs to come together.

  • Developed Design

    This is the stage where we make any changes to the Concept Design and work out the structural approach and outline specifications. The reason for this, is it empowers you to be in control of time spent on your decisions by not fixing a fee which presumes lots of client changes. The purpose of this stage is to develop the concept to the point where other consultants can be brought into the conversation and also where a Resource Consent, if required, can be applied for. It also allows enough detail for a fixed fee to be given for the next stage.

  • Resource Consent

    This applies to some projects only and is effectively asking your Local Building Authority to give special permission to break one or more of the planning restrictions that apply to your site.

    This application does involve additional work and also often the use of a Planner who is a consultant to your project.

  • Building Consent

    This is the detail and most intense design stage. This is a set of calculations, details and instructions for your builder, in the form of plans calculations and specifications that set out what and how to constructed. It also explains to your local BCA (Building Consent Authority) how your design meets at least the minimums or exceeds the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code.

    This set can be used to start pricing by your builder and forms the basis for the application that is made to your local BCA for Building Consent Approval.

  • Construction Drawings

    During Building Consent there may be some additional work as Councils require additional information at times and some extra detail may be required to add to the set for your building to provide a firm quote and contract for your project. Note for all work over $30,000 in NZ you require a written contract with your builder. Once you have a firm price you can then sign the contract for the builder and work can start on site. This stage is typically done on a time charge basis with an allowance for your project.

  • Homestar and Passive House

    Passive House and Homestar Certification requires the building to be evaluated and rated during design and construction and on completion to achieve certification. This is different from Code of Compliance; these are independent rating systems aimed well above the minimum requirements set out by our Building Code. These certifications require both input at the design and build stage to ensure success in Certification.

  • On Site Observation

    Accurate Drawings go a long way, but inevitably there may be changes that are desired or required due to any number of reasons on site. Its important that those changes are evaluated so that the performance and compliance of your build stays on track. It’s the role of the Designer to advice on legal or performance implications relative to onsite changes or challenges. This stage is critical for continuity of the initial thinking and intent to be realized.

  • Homestar Assesments

    I am a registered Homestar Professional, both a Homestar Designer and Homestar Assessor. As such I is not only qualified to Design and Assess projects in the Smart Living Spaces studio, I am able to help those projects that don’t have a Homestar Professional on their team in both a design and assessment capacity. Get in touch to discuss your projects requirements.

  • Passive House Certification

    I am a Certified Passive House Designer. She is not able to design and submit Passive House projects in the Smart Living Spaces Studio, but can assist those Architects, Engineers and Designers who are involved in a Passive House project but aren’t qualified with the Passive House Institute.

    Get in touch to discuss how I can assist you on your project.